Facebook Addiction

Mmmm anybody still struggling with this little problem? ; 0

Diary of a Mental Mother

Well it must be said whilst I am sure this title made many of us smile – it is actually no laughing matter! It attaches a whole new meaning to the initials FA! While most of you reading this may chuckle, as you are well aware of this disorder, but how many of you are actually aware of your own addiction to the social networking sites?

Step 1: Please check your dependence by using the checklist below;

1) You feel like you have been isolated from the world if you haven’t checked Facebook during your work hours.
2) When you get your precious 10 min break, you check Facebook before you have a wee.
3) You check Facebook whilst you have a wee!
4) You can feel your annoyance rising when there are no new stories on your mini feed.
5) You wait with excited anticipation when you load ‘new…

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